- 有衣個國際股份有限公司所經營相關網站,包括但不限於:ADJ (https://www.adj.com.tw),本公司十分重視您的隱私權保護,將依個人資料保護法及本隱私權政策蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料, 並提供您對個人資料權利之行使與保護。
- 本隱私權政策及其所包含之告知事項,僅適用於本公司所擁有及經營的網站。本網站 內可能包含許多連結、或其他合作夥伴所提供的服務,各連結網站或合作夥伴網站的隱私 權聲明及與個人資料保護有關之告知事項,請參閱該連結網站或合作夥伴網站。
- 當您瀏覽本公司經營之相關網站時,不會主動要求輸入個人資料。
- 當您完成購物流程或參加其他活動時,網站會要求您登錄個人資料,以便完成交易與相關 服務。
- 為了保障各位會員權益,第一次光臨本網站消費的顧客,只要確認完成交易後,即會自動 升級為會員。
- 請確認您所提供的個人資料真實準確,本公司不會承擔您資料中所提供不準確或不完整資 訊所造成之損害或錯誤,此 將須自行負責。
- 如果您拒絕提供個人資料,可能無法充分利用本網站某些服務。
- 請妥善保管您的會員帳號及密碼,不要將上述資料提供給任何人或允許任何人以您的個人 資料申請或使用帳號、密 碼,本公司不會承擔任何不當使用密碼之責任。
- 如果您與他人共用電腦或使用公共電腦,請記得關閉瀏覽器,以防他人看到上述資料取得 您帳號的方法。
- 訂閱電子報只需提供Email帳號,使用者想取消訂閱,可聯繫相應網站之客服協助取消訂閱。
- 識別類(姓名、職稱、地址、聯絡電話、電子郵件信箱)、特徵類(年齡、性別、出生年月 日等)、社會情況類(興趣、休閒、生活格調、消費模式等)、教育、技術或其他專業類 (學歷)、受僱情形類(任職公司、職務等)、其他(為完成收款或付款所需之資料、往來 電子郵件、網站留言、系統自動紀錄之軌跡資訊及其他得以直接或間接識別,使用者身分之 個人資料等),惟將以實際本公司取得之個人資料為限。
- 本網站所蒐集足以識別使用者身分的個人資料,均僅供本公司、關係企業、子公司及其日後成立之子公司或關係企業於其內部、依照蒐集之目的進 行處理和利用,除非事先說明、或為完成提供服務或履行合約義務之必要、或依照相關法令 規定或有權主管機關之命令或要求,否則本網站不會將足以識別使用者身分的個人資料提供 給第三人(包括境內及境外)、或移作蒐集目的以外之使用。本公司之員工,僅於其為您提 供產品或服務之需求範圍內,對於您的個人資料得為有限之接觸。本公司及本公司委外之協 力廠商(例如:商品供應商、提供物流、金流或活動贈品、展示品之廠商);如為本公司與 其他廠商共同蒐集者,將於該共同蒐集之活動中載明。在會員有效期間內,以及法令所定應 保存之期間內,本網站會持續保管、處理及利用
- 依個人資料保護法第3條規定,您就您的個人資料享有查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、 請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除之權利。您可以透過寄送電子郵件 至([email protected])為避免電子郵件系統漏信或其他 原因無法收悉,以本公司回覆收悉為準)方式行使上開權利,本公司將於收悉您的請求後, 儘速處理。但因本網站執行職務、業務所必須,以及依相關法令規定,必須存檔備查之交易 資料,不在此限。
- 本公司可能透過Facebook或類似社群服務系統,於取得您的同意後,將部分本網站的資訊發 布於您的社群活動資訊頁面,若您不同意該等訊息之發布,請您勿點選同意鍵,或於事後透 過各該社群服務之會員機制移除該等資訊或拒絕本網站繼續發布相關訊息。若有任何問題, 仍可與本公司聯絡,本公司將協助您確認、處理相關問題。若您所填寫之送貨地址、聯絡人、 聯絡方式等非您本人之個人資料,您同意已取得各該當事人之同意提供予本公司,並已代本 公司就前開法定告知事項予以告知。除依法應提供予司法、檢調機關、相關主管機關,或與 本公司協力廠商為執行相關活動必要範圍之利用外,本公司將不會任意將您的個人資料提供 予第三人。當本公司或本網站全部或部分分割、獨立子公司經營、被其他第三者購併或收購 資產,導致經營權轉換時,本公司會於事前將相關細節公告於本網站,且本公司或本網站所 擁有之全部或部分使用者資訊亦可能在經營權轉換的狀況下移轉給第三人。惟限於與該經營 權轉換服務相關之個人資料。若本公司或本網站部分營運移轉予第三人,您仍為本公司會員, 若您不希望本公司後續利用您的個人資料,您可以依本隱私權政策向本公司行使權利。
- 為便於日後的辨識,當您使用本網站服務時,本公司可能會在您的電腦上設定與存取Cookie。 您可以透過設定您的個人電腦或上網設備,決定是否允許Cookie技術的使用,若您關閉Cookie 時,可能會造成您使用本網站服務時之不便利或部分功能限制。
- 本公司有權隨時修改本隱私政策及本網站各項內容之權利,將於網站同一位置公告更改聲明 外,不會再對會員進行個別通知。若您對本隱私權保護政策有任何問題或不同意該等變更或 修改 ,可利用電子郵件([email protected])直接與本公司聯繫或停止使用本網站服務。
Declaration of Privacy Right:
- adj. CO., LTD operates related websites, including but not limited to: ADJ (https://www.adj.com.tw).Our company places great importance on protecting your privacy, and will collect, process and use your personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and this Privacy Policy, while also providing you with the ability to exercise and protect your personal data rights.
- The declaration of privacy right of this Website and the content contained therein is applicable to the websites owned and operated by us only. There may be links included in, or the products or services provided by other joint venture business partners or individuals shops at the websites of theirs, information on the declaration of privacy right and the protection of personal information of these joint venture business partners or individuals shops will be available at the respective websites of these joint venture business partners or individuals shops.
Collection of Personal Information:
- When you browse our company's websites, you will not be actively asked to enter personal information.
- When you complete the shopping process or participate in other activities, the website will require you to log in your personal information to complete the transaction and related services.
- To protect the rights of our members, first-time customers who complete a transaction on our website will be automatically upgraded to member status.
- Please ensure that the personal information you provide is true and accurate. Our company will not be responsible for any damages or errors caused by inaccurate or incomplete information you provide, and you will be solely responsible for that.
- If you refuse to provide personal information, you may not be able to fully utilize certain services on our website.
- Please keep your member account and password secure, and do not provide them to anyone or allow anyone to apply for or use an account or password with your personal information. Our company will not be responsible for any improper use of passwords.
- If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, remember to close the browser to prevent others from seeing your information and obtaining your account access.
- To subscribe to our newsletter, you only need to provide an email. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can contact the customer service of the respective website to assist with canceling your subscription.
Categories of Personal Information:
- Identification (name, title, address, contact phone number, email address), characteristics (age, gender, date of birth, etc.), social situation (interests, leisure, lifestyle, consumption patterns, etc.), education, technical or other professional (education level), employment (company, position, etc.), other (information needed for receiving or making payments, email correspondence, website messages, automatically recorded system tracking information, and other personal information that can directly or indirectly identify the user), but will be limited to the personal information actually obtained by our company.
Use of Personal Information:
- Personal information collected on our website that can identify users will only be processed and used internally by our company, affiliated companies, subsidiaries and their future subsidiaries or affiliated companies for the purposes of collection, unless otherwise stated, or as necessary to provide services or fulfill contractual obligations, or as required by relevant laws and regulations or orders or requests from competent authorities. Otherwise, our website will not provide personal information that can identify users to third parties (including domestic and foreign parties), or use it for purposes other than the original purpose of collection. Our employees will only have limited access to your personal information as needed to provide you with products or services. Our company and our outsourced partners (such as product suppliers, logistics, payment or activity gift/display providers); if the information is jointly collected with other companies, it will be stated in that joint collection activity. During the valid membership period and the retention period required by law, our website will continue to maintain, process and use [your personal information].
How to Exercise Personal Data Rights:
- According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you have the right to inquire or request to review, request a duplicate copy, request to supplement or correct, request to stop collecting, processing or using, or request to delete your personal information. You can exercise these rights by sending an email to [email protected] (to avoid the email system failing to deliver or other reasons for not receiving the email, our company's reply confirming receipt will be the standard). Our company will process your request as soon as possible after receiving it. However, this does not apply to transaction data that must be kept on file for the execution of duties, business operations, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Explanation of Personal Data Collection, Processing and Use:
- Our company may publish some of our website's information on your social activity page on Facebook or similar social service systems after obtaining your consent. If you do not agree to the publication of such information, please do not click the agree button, or remove such information or refuse our website to continue publishing relevant information through the membership mechanism of the respective social service after the fact. If you have any questions, you can still contact our company, and we will assist you in confirming and handling related issues. If the delivery address, contact person, contact information, etc. that you fill out is not your own personal information, you agree that you have obtained the consent of the respective parties to provide it to our company, and you have notified them of the aforementioned statutory notification matters on behalf of our company. Except as required by law to provide to judicial, prosecutorial, and relevant competent authorities, or within the necessary scope for use by our company's partners to carry out related activities, our company will not arbitrarily provide your personal information to third parties. If our company or website is partially or wholly spun off, operated as an independent subsidiary, or acquired or merged with another third party, resulting in a change of operating rights, our company will announce the relevant details on our website in advance, and all or part of the user information owned by our company or website may also be transferred to a third party under the circumstances of the change in operating rights. However, this will be limited to personal information related to the services associated with the change in operating rights. If part of our company's or website's operations are transferred to a third party, you will remain a member of our company. If you do not wish for our company to continue using your personal information, you can exercise your rights with our company in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
- For future identification purposes, when you use our website services, our company may set and access cookies on your computer. You can decide whether to allow the use of cookie technology by setting your personal computer or online device. If you disable cookies, it may cause inconvenience or limit some functions when using our website services.
Modification of Privacy Policy:
- Our company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy and the contents of our website at any time. We will announce the changes on the same location of the website, but we will not notify members individually. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or do not agree with such changes or modifications, you can contact our company directly by email ([email protected])or stop using our website services.